What is Sustainable Agriculture Essay?


The most important factors for forming sites are soil, water resources, and climate. Agriculture often produces more pressure on natural resources, and environment. Its main goal is to environmental health, economic profitability, and social fertility. Some of the sustainable practices are wind energy, solar energy, crop rotation, green spaces. Sustainability basically boils down to understanding the impact that we have on the earth, and what we leave for future generations.

We know that sustainability can encompass a number of things, from recycling to gardening, and in being resourceful with products and items that we use. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems. Invisible chemical cycles redistribute water, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon through the world's living and non-living systems, and have sustained life since the beginning of time.

The main components of both sustainable farming and conventional farming are exactly the same: soil management, crop management, water management, disease/pest management and waste management. This means lower usage of water, pollution levels, and that are environmental friendly. Sustainable agriculture is the successful management of agricultural resources to satisfy changing human needs, while maintaining or enhancing the environment quality and conserving natural resources’. It is also called as eco farming, organic farming and bio farming.


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